Friday, February 3, 2012

My little girl, growing up

On January 19th four years ago my life was forever changed. That was the day a tiny angel was placed in my arms. I remember when I first found out I was pregnant I was a bit mortified (I know, probably not every mother-to-be's first thoughts). I couldn't believe it, I wasn't ready to be a mother yet! My husband was slated to deploy in less than a year and all I could think of was 'what am I going to do if I have to have this baby and take care of it on my own.' I knew many others who were in that same position.  Eventually, I got over the shock and came to terms with it, and even started to become excited that I was going to be a mom.

As fate would have it, a miracle occured, and my husband didn't end up deployed after all and I was lucky enough to have him there with me on the day she was born. Actually, if he had been delayed one more day in California, where he was overseeing some training, he might have missed it.

I can't believe the wonderful little person my little girl is becoming. She is perceptive, sweet-natured (though she has her moments), vivacious, and cheerful. She aspires to be a pediatrician one day. She spends her time running like crazy, playing in dirt, chasing her pets, imagining and pretending, drawing and coloring, and always has something interesting to talk about. Her favorite colors are pink and blue. She LOVES fruit and often chooses it over sweets for a snack.  Her smile puts a light in my heart no matter what else happened that day.

I love my little girl, I'm so lucky to have her in my life.

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